Sen. Kamala Harris advocates federal cannabis legalization

Democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California has announced her support for federal cannabis legalization.

Admitting to having “inhaled” cannabis during a recent interview on “The Breakfast Club,” Harris disputed claims she had previously opposed cannabis. On the same day of the radio show interview on February 11, Harris submitted a statement via email to federal cannabis legalization supporters, describing it as “a matter of repairing our communities, system, and country.”

Including in her statement regarding the legalization of cannabis at the federal level, Harris said that her support for legal weed “only grows stronger by the year,” adding that federal cannabis legalization will help to tackle problems in the “damaged” criminal justice system.

“Our system continues to target and imprison young Black and Latinx Americans for low-level, nonviolent drug offenses at high levels,” Harris explained in her statement. “Too many lives and communities have been ruined by regressive policies.”

Harris hasn’t always supported legal cannabis

In the past, Harris not been so open about her support for cannabis legalization. A former district attorney, she contributed to the failure of a California measure to legalize cannabis back in 2010. When Proposition 64 was passed by California voters, Harris didn’t partake in the efforts to promote legalization.

According to a member of the Berkeley City Council called Kate Harrison, the ‘Golden State’ has accomplished a “good and responsible” job with complete cannabis legalization. Moreover, she believes that federal cannabis legalization has more pros than cons.

Harrison went on to say that there are numerous benefits associated with legalizing cannabis at the federal level. Therefore this, she says, banishes the black market and the criminal activity/violence that comes with it.

Prohibition simply doesn’t work” and invokes the creation of more hazardous cannabis products that are not tested or regulated by the state. Although she is very pro-pot, Harrison didn’t draw attention away from the prospective risks of cannabis being advertised in such a way that it appeals to underage individuals.

Campus freshmen support federal cannabis legalization

A campaign rally  that recently took place in Oakland saw the attendance of two campus freshman named McKenna O’Keefe and Max Tiehen. Their public declaration of support for federal cannabis legalization in the U.S. demonstrates the growth of a younger cannabis consumer demographic.

“I believe that in order to strive for a place of racial equality or racial decriminalization, legalizing [cannabis] is a huge part in making that happen,” O’Keefe said, after putting a strong emphasis on the medical benefits of cannabis.

Council member Ben Bartlett also declared his support of cannabis legalization, stating that he was “enthused” by Harris’ urge for federal cannabis legalization.

(Legalization is) rational; it’s ethical and it’s a big boom for the emerging wellness economy,” Bartlett said.