Israeli biotechnology company’s cannabis and mushroom combination kills 90% of deadly cells in colon cancer patients

A brand new research effort carried out by Cannabotech indicates that the Herzliya, Israel-based company’s selection of Integrative-Colon products could be a powerful treatment option for colon cancer. 

In fact, researchers affiliated with the biotechnology company claimed that 90 percent of colon cancer cells were obliterated in a cell model study after being treated with the company’s oncological products.

Composed of natural mushroom and cannabis extracts, Cannabotech’s products present colon cancer patients with promise for the future and could one day be adopted as treatment of choice.

Cannabotech’s Integrative Colon products performed well on various colon cancer subtype

The Israeli team assessed the efficacy of their Integrative Colon products on a broad scope of colon cancer subtypes. Each case of colon cancer features a range of molecular changes that commonly occur in patients with the disease. 

In order to glean their findings, the team assessed product composition against the activity of each cannabinoid one-by-one. As per the results, the structure of the Integrative Colon products proved to be more effective than each cannabinoid separately, thus demonstrating a forceful synergistic effect between the functioning ingredients. 

What’s more, the study discovered that each cannabinoid produced different effects on each colon cancer subtype. These findings support Cannabotech’s claims that a science-based formula must be developed in order to accomplish a suitable treatment option for colon cancer.

Cannabotech’s mushroom extract-containing products are enriched with a high potency of PSK, which is derived from the Trametes mushroom a type of mushroom that grows in many countries across the world.

PSK has been acknowledged in studies for its anti-cancer capabilities. It has even been given the go-ahead for use in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea as an oncology treatment.

Cannabotech hopes to assess formula efficacy in combination with standard chemotherapies

With their findings, the Israeli researchers are keen to analyze the efficacy of the cannabinoid formula in conjunction with standard methods of chemotherapy. Furthermore, the team hope to bolster their botanical drug development efforts by merging their cannabinoid concoction with the Cyathus Striatus mushroom. 

This is a significant milestone in Cannabotech’s growth to becoming a leader in integrative oncology medicine. The integrative products developed by Cannabotech are intended for use in combination with chemotherapy treatment to reduce its side effects. Cannabotech’s solutions will be launched in Israel and the US towards the second half of 2022, while the company’s goal is to define a new standard for the medical cannabis industry,” said the CEO of Cannabotech, Elhanan Shaked.

Since colon cancer is one of the most proliferant types of tumors diagnosed in today’s day and age, Cannabotech’s study could have a significant impact on millions of people’s lives, not to mention the medical cannabis industry

“Cannabotech’s Integrative products are unique in that they are designed to standards similar to those of the pharmaceutical industry and incorporate many active ingredients,” said Senior Oncologist, Professor Tami Peretz. “Based on these experiments, there is room to perform animal studies and, in the future, to examine the possibility of incorporating these products in colorectal cancer patients.”

According to the company’s pharmacological consultant, Isaac Angel, the main synergistic effect revealed by the mixture of active ingredients managed to successfully banish more than 90 percent of “all types of cancer cells used in the study.”

“Furthermore, this was achieved without the presence of THC, which is the cannabinoid substance producing the “high” effect, whereas each of the other cannabinoids tested individually demonstrated different effects on the various cell types,” added Angel.

The team concluded by saying that they are inspired by the study’s results and that they will continue focusing their efforts on providing a cure for colon cancer patients.