Fighting Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with Cannabis

Cannabis has emerged as a medical marvel over the last few years and even more so, over the last year. Scientific research has led to the discovery of cannabis’ medical potential to heal and treat the human body, with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) being one of the things this plant is being used for.

Using cannabis to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

It’s spring and the landscape has transformed into a vibrant canvas of blooming flowers, lush green grass and a wide range of wildlife species coming out to play. Although the sun might be shining, people are still dealing with mental disorders, like depression.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) says that 450 million people around the world people are suffering from a mental disorder of some kind. By the time we reach winter, even more people will be getting a case of the blues. This is where cannabis comes in.

Do I need to get high to treat SAD with cannabis? not, unless you want to. High-CBD, low-THC strains can lift the mood, relieve feelings of anxiety and deliver stress relief, without leaving you feeling baked.

The chemical compound Cannabidiol (CBD) is non-psychoactive, whereas Tetrahydrocannabinol (CBD) is the psychoactive cannabinoid (and the most common).

Understanding the symptoms and causes of SAD

The causes of SAD remain unknown. However, this rise in depression, irritability, and moodiness is believed to occur as a result of a change in serotonin and melatonin levels. Lack of sunlight may trigger feelings of depression, too.

Generally, the symptoms are classified as feeling sad without cause, sensitivity to emotions and loss of motivation. Fatigue, social withdrawal, appetite changes and weight gain/weight loss (combined) can also be identified as SAD.

Choosing cannabis strains to combat SAD, taking some time out and exercising could relieve the symptoms of SAD. In addition to making slight lifestyle changes, it’s worth visiting a cannabis dispensary to buy a quality product before using cannabis to treat SAD.

Cannabis strains come in many potencies, flavors, aromas and chemical structures.

You don’t have to smoke it if you don’t want to. Cannabis can be consumed in the form of tinctures, edibles, cannabis-infused drinks, oral capsules, suppositories, sprays and concentrates, such as oils.

Highlighted below are some of the best cannabis strains for relieving the symptoms of SAD:

  • ACDC – This sativa-dominant phenotype is rich in CBD, with a THC to CBD ratio of 1:20. It is a non-intoxicating option for treating anxiety, depression, epilepsy and pain relief.
  • Ringo’s Gift – A balanced hybrid that blends the genetics of ACDC and Harle-Tsu, this medicinal strain combines peppery notes with a slightly spicy taste. It can be used to treat mental disorders, like SAD, as well as inflammation, epilepsy, arthritis, muscle spasms and aches.
  • Harle-TsuLift the mood with this sweet high-CBD hybrid cross. The CBD content is around 20 times more than the THC content, so you need not worry about experiencing any major mind altering effects.
  • Haze Berry – People with mild to moderate depression would benefit from trying this fruity sativa-dominant hybrid, which also relieves stress and relaxes.
  • Harlequin – A recommended option for people who don’t usually consume cannabis, this balanced strain has a THC to CBD ratio of 1:1, but can sometimes produce a ratio of 5:2. The sativa will leave you feeling upbeat, focused and happy.

Make sure you select a strain that suits your requirements to experience the best and fastest relief from the symptoms of SAD. Sativa-dominant strains can bolster the mood, and fight stress, so seek out a sativa pick-me up if you can, rather than an indica (A hybrid is a blend of the two).

First-time buyers should also research the supplier of cannabis prior to purchasing some buds, oils or extracts. A license is a must, as well as a team of well-trained and knowledgeable budtenders.