Mike Tyson’s company has struck a partnership with a West Virginia cannabis farm

Almost Heaven Agriculture is now expected to be the main provider of Tyson Holistic cannabis products


Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson is most famous for his days in the boxing ring, but these days he is doing something quite different. Tyson is capitalizing on the “Green Rush” by investing in the legal cannabis industry.

His company officials recently announced a partnership between his brand Tyson Holistic Holdings and Almost Heaven Agriculture.

A hemp extraction facility will be constructed inside the West Virginia-based greenhouse to produce medicinal hemp, which sells for significantly more than industrial hemp.

Mike Tyson is interested in West Virginia’s cannabis industry

https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=qe5LUACX&id=44E07AC471D3787882FABE2C6581702BE381CCC2&thid=OIP.qe5LUACX7ETpJ3vohap_YQHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.vuguvuguonline.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f01%2fTyson1.jpg&exph=480&expw=480&q=mike+tyson+cannabis&simid=608017687533453965&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0Almost Heaven Agriculture is now expected to be the main provider of Tyson Holistic cannabis products.

Kevin Bell is the chief operations officer for Tyson Holistic and he claims that the company has a primary focus on West Virginia’s hemp industry, which is blossoming at a rapid rate.

“We’ve looked at lots of reclamation land and we are going to do that, it’s just that they only give licenses twice a year, so we found an existing license holder to do a joint venture,” Bell said.

Why is the hemp industry attractive?

Hemp contains a higher percentage of CBD (cannabidiol) than THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Since CBD has been proven for its therapeutic effects, it is a highly valuable medicinal compound and therefore is very attractive to Mike Tyson, whose brand targets the medical cannabis consumers, as opposed to recreational consumers.

Apart from cannabidiol-rich hemp, Tyson Holistic wants to grow other types of holistic crops, such as soy and lavender. During a conference in Charleston, the founder and CEO of Tyson Holistics, Rob Hickman, said that the company’s goal is to provide a natural, alternative medication.

“Listen, turn the faucet on, let’s help people, let’s grow stuff that can help people,” Hickman expressed.

“Forget the big pharma, forget all the nonsense and let’s try to help stimulate the economy a little bit. We can start here and it can keep growing,” he added.

Mike Manypenny and Bill Flanagan are the proud owners of Almost Heaven Agriculture. Currently, the greenhouse covers just one acre. Plans to expand are in the pipeline, thanks to this deal with Tyson Holistics.

Tyson will invest “whatever it takes” in the West Virginia cannabis industry

The market for medicinal hemp is wildly untapped. This presents budding investors and entrepreneurs, just like Tyson, with an exciting opportunity to pursue what is likely going to be a very profitable endeavor in the near future.

As a former opioid addict, Tyson knows all too well just how much cannabis can positively change a person’s life.

“Mike believes in this product, this isn’t just some whim to make money. Mike wants to change the world,” Bell said.

He claims that Tyson Holistics will invest “whatever it takes” in West Virginia’s hemp industry.

Mike Tyson opens his own 40-acre cannabis amusement park

https://www.google.com/search?q=mike+tyson+cannabis+ranch&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTncKym7jbAhWFUhQKHZZ6BdsQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=svRkQdyoa1dgSM:The latest news of Mike Tyson forming a partnership with a cannabis farm in West Virginia is not the first time the former boxer’s name has been mentioned in the same sentence as the word “cannabis.”

Currently, the 51-year-old is preparing for the launch of Tyson Ranch. Stretching for 40 acres, the cannabis amusement park will be based 60 miles southwest of Death Valley National Park. It will feature an amphitheater, extraction facility, edible factory, “glamping” campground, and a supply store.

The park is based in California. Tyson plans to continue studying medical cannabis at his ranch, which will be an entertaining and educational attraction for California’s fresh cannabis industry.