Why are schizophrenia sufferers using CBD oil for healing?

Recent studies suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) could relieve the symptoms of schizophrenia.  A chemical or cannabinoid that is derived from the cannabis plant, CBD has been spotlighted by researchers at the University of Wollongong for its ability to relieve schizophrenic individuals of their chronic symptoms.

Although science has already exposed the plant for its medical benefits, the researchers have managed to unearth CBD’s influence on cognitive function in relation to schizophrenic episodes.

In-depth reviews of 27 extant studies focusing on the CBD compound were carried out by Dr. Katrina Green, Professor Nadia Solowij, and Wollongong Ph.D. candidate Ashleigh Osborne. Exceptional insights into CBD’s therapeutic value were gleaned from the investigation.

Using cannabis to treat schizophrenia could provide the brain with proper neurological support

Poor neurological support is a major cause of brain-affecting conditions, including schizophrenia and dementia. Since CBD provides a direct source of neurological support, cannabis-based medications could be the answer for schizophrenic patients.

“From this review, we found that CBD will not improve learning and memory in healthy brains, but may improve aspects of learning and memory in illnesses associated with cognitive impairment, including Alzheimer’s disease, as well as neurological and neuroinflammatory disorders,” said Dr. Green.

Included in those disorders are hepatic encephalopathy, sepsis, cerebral malaria, and meningitis.

Dr. Green, the leader of the study, made a point of addressing CBD’s ability to minimize cognitive impairment linked to cannabis’ psychoactive compound, THC – a cannabinoid that has been heavily associated with mental disorders like schizophrenia and anxiety in the past.

Researchers used a rat model to determine the potential of CBD for schizophrenia

A rat model was used by researchers after the review to ascertain the potential of CBD for reducing cognitive schizophrenia symptoms. Senior Professor Xu-Feng Huang and Ph.D. candidate Ilijana Babic noticed how CBD attenuated the cognitive deficits usually noticeable in diagnosed schizophrenic patients, as well as any problems pertaining to sociability. This was apparent when CBD was administered “chronically.”

Rats were given prenatal poly I:C infection to simulate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

“We found that CBD was able to restore recognition and working memory, as well as social behavior, to normal levels,” Osborne said. “These findings are interesting because they suggest that CBD may be able to treat some of the symptoms of schizophrenia that are seemingly resistant to existing medications. In addition, CBD treatment did not alter body weight or food intake, which are common side effects of antipsychotic drug treatment,” she added.

Osborne went on to tell ABC News Australia about the importance of this study and how existing anti-psychotic drugs fail to target the cognitive deficits – something that negatively impacts 80 percent of patients.

Ongoing research is required to determine the efficacy of cannabis for schizophrenia

Although the Australian team dug up some fascinating information in regards to using cannabis for schizophrenia, further scientific research is necessary to determine how CBD can influence a person’s mental state.

”These findings are really promising but further research is needed to see if these findings translate to people suffering from schizophrenia. Ultimately, we hope that these findings lead to new improved medications,” she added.