Medical cannabis business options expanded under Maine’s new cannabis laws

Maine’s new cannabis law could enable cannabis caregivers and businesses to work harmoniously

Cannabis companies in Maine are hopeful that a new law will aid the state’s cannabis industry by bolstering job opportunities statewide.

Maine’s new cannabis law permits medical cannabis firms to sell medicinal-grade products to one another. The updated law will allow businesses to sell a maximum of 30 percent of their harvest or inventory. Previously, state law meant that medical cannabis retailers had to grow their own plants.

In addition to this, multiple members of staff can now be employed by the caregivers who operate cannabis dispensaries in Maine.

Local businesses stand to benefit from Maine’s new cannabis laws

Back in July of 2018, legislators in the state voted to overthrow Gov. Paul LePage’s dismissal of two separate medical cannabis bills. The outcome meant that L.D. 1719, “An Act to Implement a Regulatory Structure for Adult-Use Marijuana,” was set into law.

Numerous cannabis businesses within the state will benefit from the newly introduced regulatory changes. One such example is Portland-based store, Wellness Connection.

Executive Director of the company, Patricia Risk, says that Wellness will utilize products sources from a range of cultivation facilities and extraction labs.

“I call it our farmers market,” said Rosi. “Wellness will search the cannabis marketplace, visit the cultivation facilities and extraction labs, and test the products to find the best of what Maine has to offer. We will be the curators. I’m very excited about the possibilities.”

Joe Lusardi is the Executive Director of another company called Maine Organic Therapy. He believes that Maine’s new cannabis law will enable cannabis caregivers and businesses to work in harmony.

Currently, 50,000 patients have registered for medical cannabis in Maine

Maine’s new cannabis law will entitle patients to obtain a medical cannabis card, so long as the doctor is sure that it will be medically beneficial. Thanks to the law, state-sanctioned qualifying conditions such as chronic pain, AIDS and cancer have been banished from the necessary list of requirements to receive natural weed-based treatments.

Central Maine has caught the cannabis industry attention as of late, what with the state paving the way on rulemaking for local medicinal and recreational cannabis.

In fact, city officials have been hard at work preparing an adult-use mandate to welcome cannabis businesses and delegate authority to the state.

Compared to other districts throughout Maine, central municipalities have gotten ahead of the game in developing local regulations on adult-use weed. Legislation will soon be finalized in a handful of Maine municipalities, according to store owners and cannabis advocates.