Legal cannabis could bring $5B to California economy

Legal cannabis could bring $5B to California economy

The Golden State will be raking in billions which will attract heavy cannabis-tourism, a new state-sponsored economic study found.

While California is still creating guidelines for social cannabis, the market is currently being valued at more than $5 billion according to the University of California Issues Center.

But, about 30% of all cannabis consumers may initially stay in the black market avoid the costs of new regulations including testing, tracking and the 15% taxation rate of retail cannabis.


The state’s government officials are still in the midst of developing regulations, which they hope will gradually attract cannabis users to the legal market.

“It’s going to take some time,” Lori Ajax. director of the state Bureau of Marijuana Control, said. “While it’s unlikely that everyone will come into the regulated market on Day One, we plan to continue working with stakeholders as we move forward to increase participation over time.”