How will artificial intelligence (AI) bolster the cannabis industry?

Eventually, AI is expected to successfully identify specific cannabis strains, which will essentially aid consumers in finding types of weed that tick all of their boxes

With each day that passes, the world is becoming more technologically advanced. Cannabis, just like many other industries, is starting to capitalize on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

As a considerably fast-paced industry that is constantly evolving and spreading across the world map, the cannabis industry AI could be a welcome addition to the market.

From the use of high definition cameras and sensors that will help monitor cultivation activity – including temperature, nutrient feed intake, water levels, pH levels, and CO2 levels – to the automation of cannabis trimming and planting technology, AI presents the tightly regulated field with ample opportunities to grow and prosper.

Cannabis Artificial Intelligence (AI) boasts a plethora of uses when it comes to pot

In addition to the aforementioned prospective benefits of integrating AI into the cannabis industry, intelligent technologies could also aid cultivators in identifying plant gender. Additionally, cannabis industry AI technology may assist with the detection of moldy, contaminated and unsafe plants that, if consumed, could prove harmful to human health.

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, cannabis industry AI could also track the rate at which plants grow; a useful tool that would assist farmers in predicting how much cannabis they can yield. Eventually, AI is expected to successfully identify specific cannabis strains, which will essentially aid consumers in finding types of weed that tick all of their boxes. For example, some strains may induce feelings of relaxation and psychoactivity, whereas others will stimulate creativity and relieve pain.

If consumers are provided with an accurate selection of cannabis strains, the market is likely to blossom further. Selective strain choices will make it easier for consumers to relieve the symptoms disease, thus appealing to a broader patient/consumer demographic.

Cannabis industry AI could help companies to remain compliant

Cannabis companies would also benefit from AI technology in terms of regulating the industry since cannabis AI could spotlight state-by-state regulations in an ever-evolving industry.

Producers and sellers may fall under fire from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) if they fail to follow the rules laid forth by the Agency, such as potency testing limits, packaging rules, and advertising restrictions. Mistakes could cost cannabis business owners a hefty fee, proving just how much of an impact cannabis industry AI could make; compliance issues are among the biggest causes of operator failure. 

The cost of running a cannabis business is already high. In order to remain compliant, licenses must be obtained and state taxes paid. Add to this the fact that government regulations are metamorphosing and the task of staying abreast of changes can be somewhat challenging at times.

Cannabis AI technology could be the solution for companies that wish to thrive and allocate working hours wisely. While it may not have been introduced on a large scale quite yet, the prospects are promising.