Drug testing agency OK’s CBD use


The organization responsible for establishing standards for drug testing in the Olympics and Ultimate Fighting Championship will be removing CBD from its list of banned substances.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited any use of cannabis and its metabolites in the past, but will allow CBD by the beginning of next year. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound of the cannabis plant which contains medical qualities but no psychoactive effects on the user.

WADA releases a list of banned substances every year when agency experts look at changes within the medical world to justify which substances belong on the list.

“Annually, the Prohibited List review involves a very extensive stakeholder consultation process over the course of nine months,” said Olivier Niggli, director general of WADA, in a released statement. “In reviewing the List, experts examine such sources as: scientific and medical research; trends; and, intelligence gathered from law enforcement and pharmaceutical companies in order to stay ahead of those that endeavor to cheat the system.”